Hi all,

I just returned from the London Comicon Expo!  We did a Futurama panel to a sold out crowd, it was so much fun.

The questions the audience asked were quite different from the ones asked in San Diego. They wanted to hear what it would sound like if one of our characters from Futurama had a conversation with a character that we voiced in another show.  To which Phil Lamarr replied, “Dance, monkey, dance!” We tried our best to come up with off the cuff dialogue. I had Numbah 3 from Kids Next Door talk to Amy from Futurama, and then threw a little Minh from King of the Hill into the mix.

I was taken with the fact that almost all of the staff (nearly 100 people) working the Comicon, were volunteers.  What a heck of alot of work, and clearly a labor of love.  We were very well taken care of. One of the staff members, James, gave my boys some light sabers from Star Wars and they haven’t stopped playing with them since.

And it was a blast to ride the Underground and check out Picadilly Circus.  We ate at a Chinese Restaurant called The Golden Dragon.  The little Cantonese I know was of no use when it came time to order since all the sentences I know involve cursing and some sort of punishment.  (I learned these from my parents, of course.)

Pictured here  in this photo from left to right are Phil Proctor, (who happened to be in London with his lovely wife and was invited to sit on our panel–he’s been in a million shows, Rugrats, etc.) me, Maurice Lamarche, Billy West, and Phil Lamarr.



